MSC (Marine Stewardship Counsil) standard is the environment standard providing to the customer, that the products labelled by this marking were producing from the fish which have been fished in an environment-friendly way.
MSC consists of two standards
MSC environmental standard for sustainable fishing is an environmental standard relating to fishing of wild sea fish. It helps protect the marine environment worldwide and provides sufficient numbers of fish population into the future. Fishing organisations certified by the MSC standard must follow three major principles (fish population sustainability, fishing with a minimum impact on the environment and efficient control).
MSC chain of custody standard for seafood traceability is a standard dealing with and providing reverse traceability of "from ship to plate" fish products. The consumer buying MSC-labelled products can be sure that the origin (fishing area) of the fish stock used for these products can be traced and that the stock has been fished in an environment-friendly way.
After receiving the MSC certificate, the organisation is given a code that must be placed on certified products so that the consumer was assured he is buying a product by an approved supplier / producer. The environmental marking can only be used by the producer with a valid MSC certificate for products for which MSC fishing stock has been used.